Sunday, December 27, 2009
Ghost shots and Random animals have been updated with a few new pictures each. You can click on them on the side to get to there posts or just scroll down and I think it should show up eventually. Some of them have been quite abit over edited due to my laptop and its odd screen, but alot of them turned out well. Enjoy
Friday, December 25, 2009
Eating out

So we are in Orlando for our final day, we have used all of our disney tickets days up and have run out of included meals and snacks. We really didn't want to go home yet though, so we decided to go to down town disney. If you have never been there before there is quite abit to do with many photo opertunities. 2 of the bigger ones are probally there 2 main restraunts there. The Rainforrest, and T-rex. They are set up and decorated like a rain forrest or a prehistoric jungle and filled with animatronic versions of there inhabitants.

My wife had never been to either of these, and as I loved Dinosaurs growing up we decided to eat here. The food was actually really good, alot better then the rainforrests from my few dealings with them. Though there food is good to

Only thing I really didn't like about this place was the lighting, you could not get a good picture without using flash inside that building. I edited all these on my laptop, its not the best and the screen is quite abit off so I may go over them or atleast do the rest at home on my good computer. But for now, here are a few of the shots we took there.

This was pretty neat, we ate in a huge ice cave that was usually cool blue. It was very calming, though every 10 or so minutes it would pulse and fluctuate to this color and then to blood red for a minute or so. I have this same picture in all 3 variations. I'll have to add them in to this post later on.

I get that im nit picky and all, but those signs and ground lights really ruin the effect that it could be somewhat realistic. Oh well

His name is Outoffocusarous. Bam! <--- thats abit of a inside joke....

The one on the right looks highstrung

One was taken with flash, one was not. Incase you were curious about the huge contrast in them.

I know theoretically I shouldn't end with 2 very similar pictures for obvious reasons. But I had already uploaded them to tough luck.
If you ever eat there, I have to recomend the ribs. They are in the top 2 all time greatest ribs I have had at a dining facility. They also have waffle fries wich are by default better then french fries.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Some random animals

A tapir I believe, I like to think he was smiling at me. However he was probally just burping or something.

That one turned out darker then I thought, my laptop likes to do that when I edit photos on it. Oh well, its a Kimodo dragon. Bobbie likes dragons

There were birds all over the place, alot of them seemed to be wild and not contained aswell.

Its king Julian, I did not see Skipper or Private anywhere though. To bad, there my favorite from that show.

He did not look happy to have his picture taken, bigot

Everest with a little whispy cloud...

A bird house, they had them all over there bird trail. The next few pictures are all from that area.

I call him the emo bird, it looks like he is all sad and depressed. He even has the stance right.

Right next door there was a huge bat habbitat with a good 50 or 60 of them just hanging there.

Tigers are one of my favorite animals, however there is always some ugly dirty muddy glass blocking them from veiw. It makes it hard as hell to get some good shots of them.

The monkey habbitat, it would be awsome if my laptop would show the correct colors. This one came out way to edited. Oh well, moving on

This one is actually from our hotel balcony that 1 word?

So I was recently maried, you may be asking why I skiped ahead to the honeymoon pictures instead of doing wedding stuff. Well its very simple, I didn't use my camera during the weding, so I have no pictures other then the 1 at the very bottom of this post. However, I am getting a dvd of all the pictures taken from another photographer there in there unedited states so I can put my own spin on them. So for now, back to the honeymoon.

We decided to go to Disney's Animal Kingdom and stay at there resort there. It was amazing, very pretty and there were animals in the savana outside our balcony when we woke up and got home in the evening. They even had a 4 star restraunt inside that we ate at a few times. I have more pictures from there, but i have not gotten to them yet. These are all from the park

Thats the tree of life, it is in the center of the park. It is full of animal carvings like the picture above. Im not sure how many there are but its a few hundred. The thing is massive, one of the high points of the park. You really should take the time to just walk around it and look at everything on it.

This is there Christmas tree, each park had there own decorated in a fashion to go with said parks theme. I don't know why but this is the only one I have a picture of. I guess I really didn't carry my camera around to much at the parks.

We actually had the same tree in our hotel lobby, I have a few more shots of it from another camera somewhere.

And of course animal kingdom has lots of animals. I got some crazy shots of them. But those will be in a seperate post. This is just a short teaser

A duck! Those things move fast. I have stopped fan blades on film with this camera and he was just a blur. The settings were abit different but still those wings are moving with the quickness.

Ah, the finding nemo stage show. I challenge anybody to get good pictuers in this thing without using a flash. I know everybody else was doing it but rules are rules. As dark as it was everything comes out blury, fish will not sit still.

I don't care what they say, fish can be friends and food. Salmon is to good not to eat

This is the only shot I have from the wedding day, its Bobbie after she got her hair done. She was almost late to her own wedding, took abit longer then we thought it would. Plus she had to go pick up the cake afterwards
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Ghost shots

Okay so I have mentioned my ghost hunting trip before, it actually yeiled some rather.....eirie results. Here are just a few photos from there, and the rest will be added to this same post as I upload them.
Also I have no idea how to do night photography, as you will see. So I just do what I do when I don't know what to do to a photo. Add more grain, grain makes everything better!

This is a fairly old cemetary, a landmark of the city. It has quite a few bodies underneath it aswell as a few tales of its own. Nothing overly ghastly, but still some interesting stories to its residents

Only the richer people could afford to be burried here. However with the outbreak of diseases they had at the time there were many dead bodies who could not afford it. Actually more then those that were able to, they needed a place to put all these newly deceased corpses.

So they improvised, they buried them all right outside the cemetarys walls, in a nice little area where nothing grows anymore. You can still see the outline of it, nothing but solid dirt surounded by grass. A large area dedicated to the lesser fortuned dead. This was our first stop

We managed to get a few "orb" shots abit further down. These are shots with unexplainable balls of light or orbs that apear in the picture with no real reason. Not a lense flair, or a reflection due to the suroundings but little errors or distortions of reality believed to be caused by wandering spirits or other ghostly beings.

We have a few orb shots from the cemetary, some of which are quite perplexing. But lets move on shall we? This house is a residence to what I can only assume are some interesting people. However its its oldest resident we are intersested in.

There was a older lady who used to live there, I don't quite know what happend to her, but her spirit was bound to this building. She has been constantly seen on the 2nd floor walking around or simply staring out the window. While we didn't catch a glimpse of her ourselfs we did get some interesting distortions in all of our pictures comeing from the 2nd story of the house.

As you can see the light has moved quite abit further over, given the slight turn in the picture so have I. But nowhere near as much as the orb has, and now there is a second one near the window. Evidence of spirits at work, or just a odd mishap with my camera equipment? They show up in 4 different pictures at different places, you can decide for yourself.

This tree has another tree growing out of it. It is said that who ever comes together under the tree and shares a kiss will have there futures forever intertwined. I shared a kiss with my girlfriend under it on my birthday and 3 months later we were married. Also, notice the kitchy shop next door. Why yes that is a shirt with a tree on it. Why thats just good marketing right there.

Alot of my pictures didn't turn out, this one is no exception. But there is a interesting story to it. There was a little girl who used to come see the guards at this game all the time. One day something happened to her and she was lost, they were unable to locate her. Afew years later she started to show back up again, the same young age as she was before. However whenever a guard or bystander would call out to her she would simply dissapear. It is not uncommon even today for her to make a apperance. The local police department gets calls of a young girl in odd clothing who apears to be lost near this gateway a few times a year. All describing the same person, it is a widely accepted truth to the locals and shop owners here. Yet another ghost in a city full of them.

Our next trip took us down a narrow side road with some very cool looking bricks

We were informed not to read to much into them, they had nothing to do with what we were after that night. Still I couldn't help but be somewhat intrigued with them.

There was a nice story about the area behind this door. Couldn't get back there though, side effect of that was me forgeting the story aswell. It wasn't that interesting when I couldn't see it.

The old school house, its a very known location that alot of people seem to go buy during the day. Though at night it looks alot different to me. Take a look in the window up there. Not many ghostly tales from this building, however there is a lot of activity around it.
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