So I was recently maried, you may be asking why I skiped ahead to the honeymoon pictures instead of doing wedding stuff. Well its very simple, I didn't use my camera during the weding, so I have no pictures other then the 1 at the very bottom of this post. However, I am getting a dvd of all the pictures taken from another photographer there in there unedited states so I can put my own spin on them. So for now, back to the honeymoon.

We decided to go to Disney's Animal Kingdom and stay at there resort there. It was amazing, very pretty and there were animals in the savana outside our balcony when we woke up and got home in the evening. They even had a 4 star restraunt inside that we ate at a few times. I have more pictures from there, but i have not gotten to them yet. These are all from the park

Thats the tree of life, it is in the center of the park. It is full of animal carvings like the picture above. Im not sure how many there are but its a few hundred. The thing is massive, one of the high points of the park. You really should take the time to just walk around it and look at everything on it.

This is there Christmas tree, each park had there own decorated in a fashion to go with said parks theme. I don't know why but this is the only one I have a picture of. I guess I really didn't carry my camera around to much at the parks.

We actually had the same tree in our hotel lobby, I have a few more shots of it from another camera somewhere.

And of course animal kingdom has lots of animals. I got some crazy shots of them. But those will be in a seperate post. This is just a short teaser

A duck! Those things move fast. I have stopped fan blades on film with this camera and he was just a blur. The settings were abit different but still those wings are moving with the quickness.

Ah, the finding nemo stage show. I challenge anybody to get good pictuers in this thing without using a flash. I know everybody else was doing it but rules are rules. As dark as it was everything comes out blury, fish will not sit still.

I don't care what they say, fish can be friends and food. Salmon is to good not to eat

This is the only shot I have from the wedding day, its Bobbie after she got her hair done. She was almost late to her own wedding, took abit longer then we thought it would. Plus she had to go pick up the cake afterwards
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