From Ripley's, you really had to see it straight on to get the proper effect but the camera made that....a issue. Still you get the idea, it merges your reflection with the skull and and adjust to make them look like there the same object. Pretty neat stuff

Ooohhh its a Ghost! Or a projection made to look like a spirit. Honestly this has been here since I first went back in grade school. Its a dated effect but it still works well enough.

Ah the Vampire Hunters kit, I keep one of these in every vehicle right next to the first aid kit and spare tire. Good to see it still intact at Riply's, it looks quite old.

This was over Near Ripley's, might have actually be at there entrance. 2 of them, 1 on either side. They were kind of neat looking and were abit more apealing to me then the 3 story tall david sculpture. Something about nakedness of that size is just offputting

Ahh Panda poo poo, who doesn't want a christmas gift made from exotic animal poop? They had stuff for elephants to, but they kind of suck as a animal.
interesting pictures, jason. i'm so glad to know that when you were a child i paid money for you to go on a ghost hunt at ripley's. although, you have to admit the panda poo stuff is funny and i'm still laughing at your comment about the david statue! and the "offputting" comment - lol!