Saturday, December 5, 2009

Huguenot cemetery in St. Augustine

This is one of the main cemeteries in St. Aguastine, its got some good stories to it and it a stop on most of the late night tours. Unfortunatly its not always open and I was unable to get inside, so everything is from behind the gate.


This gate that is.....DUN DUN DUN!


Please do not touch -or- disturb gravesites. Some nice looking stuff there, if I ever figure out this night photography stuff this would be a great place to try it out at. Get some long exposure shots with some of those sites.


Another look at some of the neater objects here. I like the obelisk structure, it stands out quite abit though. Everything around it run down and just doesn't really compare to it, theres no real flow.


I don't really remember anything about this shot other then taking it. I had to stand on my tippy toes and lean over a stone wall to do it. It wasn't the most fun, but I rather like how it turned out in the end.


And Bam! Theres a extra fort shot, just cause. Enjoy it

1 comment:

  1. "just cause" - love it!'

    these are good shots, jason. i think the night-shooting would be awesome! i'd like to compare the shots side-by-side with the day-time shots. in the old days the families decided what type stones and markers they would place at the graves. that's why they are all different. kind of neat, i think, and much more interesting than the way we do it today. now we do everything to make it easier for the lawnmowers and yard-workers. anyhoo! i really like your fort shot, too :)
