So we are in Orlando for our final day, we have used all of our disney tickets days up and have run out of included meals and snacks. We really didn't want to go home yet though, so we decided to go to down town disney. If you have never been there before there is quite abit to do with many photo opertunities. 2 of the bigger ones are probally there 2 main restraunts there. The Rainforrest, and T-rex. They are set up and decorated like a rain forrest or a prehistoric jungle and filled with animatronic versions of there inhabitants.

My wife had never been to either of these, and as I loved Dinosaurs growing up we decided to eat here. The food was actually really good, alot better then the rainforrests from my few dealings with them. Though there food is good to

Only thing I really didn't like about this place was the lighting, you could not get a good picture without using flash inside that building. I edited all these on my laptop, its not the best and the screen is quite abit off so I may go over them or atleast do the rest at home on my good computer. But for now, here are a few of the shots we took there.

This was pretty neat, we ate in a huge ice cave that was usually cool blue. It was very calming, though every 10 or so minutes it would pulse and fluctuate to this color and then to blood red for a minute or so. I have this same picture in all 3 variations. I'll have to add them in to this post later on.

I get that im nit picky and all, but those signs and ground lights really ruin the effect that it could be somewhat realistic. Oh well

His name is Outoffocusarous. Bam! <--- thats abit of a inside joke....

The one on the right looks highstrung

One was taken with flash, one was not. Incase you were curious about the huge contrast in them.

I know theoretically I shouldn't end with 2 very similar pictures for obvious reasons. But I had already uploaded them to flickr...so tough luck.
If you ever eat there, I have to recomend the ribs. They are in the top 2 all time greatest ribs I have had at a dining facility. They also have waffle fries wich are by default better then french fries.
OK, son, your "Outoffocusaurus" was an in incredible burst of awesomeness in the thought processing :). way to make it work for you - lol! great shots. i love this restaurant. it's funny that you and i have totally different pictures of this place. yours are all dinosaurs - because that's what you like. mine are all ocean stuff - like the cool jelly fish - and the the sun and stuff because that's what i like! no one would even know they were the same restaurant by looking at out pictures - lol!
ReplyDeleteI have a few of those but not many, i can't really do much on my laptop so I may look at more pictures on my weekend.