As promised, Penguin shots. Although they didn't turn out aswell as I had hoped, I still kinda like them. I like the little brownish one, he just stould out from all the others. Wonder if he was a different kind or something. The bands are for identification purposes, though they didn't go into any more depth then that. Personally I think it makes them look stupid, but whatever, maybe thats another reason I liked the brown one better. He didn't have one on to detract from him
All these little things do is dig and stare at you...........right into your soul that tunnel really that important, how does it differ from the other hundred or so already in the area
Here is the first part of my stuff from the Zoo over in Tampa, suposed to be one of the best zoos in the country if you believe there brochure. Some old guy was riding around with this Owl, thing was pretty neat looking but getting it to actually look at the camera was a chore.
Not a great shot but if you look at that odd thing on the neck, its a baby. Sadly this was the best shot I could get of it, it was behind some sort of mesh that made pictures look awful
And here is a sneak preview of my next set.
Last batch of pictures from Bush Gardens, got the lawry park zoo comeing up next. Enjoy
Dont really like elephants, but they were kinda neat looking. I like there wrinkles
Just trying something out with this shot, not sure how well it worked but there it is
I was sitting on the edge of the jeep on this ride, perfect place to see alot of water I guess
The liveing area for these guys was unfortunately hard to get pictures with. The glass was scratched up or very smudged, thus the oddly unclear parts of the picture actually on the otter.
I went down to tampa for a few days recently to take some pictures. Figured it would be a good place to get some practice in, spent the first day at Bush Gardens, these are from there. I got a few more on the way, but there are still alot of shots to wade through to find ones I like.
Wanted to try some outdoor shooting today, alot of it didn't work out to well. Way to much light and it washed out quite alot of my shots. Had to do some over editing to get anything I liked. Here are the end results, kinda like it even if it loses its realism in the process.
If that chair was inside, and it was nightime, it would so have a ghost in it :P