Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lawry Park Zoo, randomosity and the such

Here is the first part of my stuff from the Zoo over in Tampa, suposed to be one of the best zoos in the country if you believe there brochure. Some old guy was riding around with this Owl, thing was pretty neat looking but getting it to actually look at the camera was a chore.

Not a great shot but if you look at that odd thing on the neck, its a baby. Sadly this was the best shot I could get of it, it was behind some sort of mesh that made pictures look awful

And here is a sneak preview of my next set.


  1. J - awesome job on the baby squirrel monkey. It turned out great - especialy with the mesh fence thing. And I really like your baboon shot. Good job!

  2. You have some fantastic animal photos. My son loves animals too. I came here from your Mom's blog. Isn't blogging fun?

  3. I think it will be if it ever picks up, after I get the next few batches of pictures done Im gonna try like crazy to promote this somehow. Thanks for the compliment on the pictures
