Now how does one properly and safely eject a card so this doesn't happen to them? Well its rather simple. On the start bar near the clock you will see a icon with a silver box and a green arrow on top of it. Click on that and it will show you the drive with your card in it. Click on that and tell it to eject. Wait a second or 2 and a message will pop up telling you its safe to remove it. Thats it, just do that and you shold be fine. And if something does happen don't reformat the card thinking there is nothing you can do about it. It can be fixed and data can be saved, it is rare that anything is actually lost in situations like this.
Now to pictures, from downtown disney, from my honey moon. Bobbie I know your reading this as your half of my 2 readers, and I love you.

Its worth noting that my wife took most of these pictures. Its nice that she is somewhat interested in this aswell. This picture took her afew tries as she wanted one of him actually spitting. This is above one of the entrances to there main store down there and is where a few of the other pictures will be houses at.

Over by the scrapbook store and art gallery I always have to vist was this neat little statue. It has 3 of the brooms from sorcerer mickey in fantasia. Fantasia is a horrible little boring movie im sure you had to watch when you were little and didn't enjoy. However it had a few good parts and this was one of the 2 of them.

They have these 9" blank mickey statues all around the park. You buy them then paint them to create your own mickey doll. I wanted one so bad till I saw the price tag, 40 dollars.....I get that thats disney priceing but this is just a rip off of mighty muggs and there 9" model is only 10 dollars. So im paying 30 dollars more for the ears? I'll just sculpt my own thankyou. Disney, if your going to steal a good idea, atleast price it at a reasonable mark up. End rant

Next stop is the Christmas store, I always go there to look at there nightmare merchandise. They have probally the largest selection outside of the magic kingdom. Bobbie really likes pretty sparkly things so she took these of the snowflakes as well as the fairy shots below.

Fairy lore had pretty much 2 trends, pretty little cute fairies that fly around helping animals and using magic for good or otherwise useful purposes such as disneys tinkerbell.

And the more darker and much more common thoughts of them as not evil but mostly mischevious little fairies. They play tricks and use there magic to amuse themselfs usually at a humans expense. Bobbie likes pretty things and I like dark things, so I have 2 versions of this picture. One for her and one for me.

Show like CSI have taught us that dead men tale tales indeed. And usually not good ones. These next few pirate shots are all in a toystore in the huge disney store with stitch on it you saw above.

Ah the dreaded halo effect...seriously who puts lights like that by pirates? They should be well lit from lighting that doesn't mess with my pictures.

I overheard a worker telling a little kid this is where they put you if your mommy and daddy don't buy you enough toys in the store before handing him a fairly expensive looking box.

That last part was a lie, but if I owned this store it would be part of the training video for new hires. How could that not work?

Oh and this is my cat half squat, I just tossed him in there.
OK, i was surprised by half-squat! isn't she cute??? i like the fairy pix - don't think i've ever seen them before. are they in the christmas shop too? and i'll have to check out what you're saying about removing the camera stick. haven't heard that - i'll try it out in a minute. love you!
ReplyDeleteThey were in the christmas shop by the nightmare stuff. Bobbie said its in the center of that room where the ceiling has a circular cut out that rises up. I think somebody told Kali there may or may not be a hidden mickey in it if you remember that. She spent a good half hour just looking at it and never finding one.
ReplyDeleteyeah, i'll have to look there when we go back. i dont' ever look up there because of how long we spent looking for the hidden mickey - lol!