This is our new cat Sir Thomas, he is roughly 7 years old. We picked him up from some pet rescue place in town after the pet store told us we couldn't have the first cat we wanted. He is in the next pic and is named Sir Nikolas.

I need to get some better shots of Nikolas but originally we were told we could adopt him. When we came back to pick him up they said they actually decided to give him to another family. We left and found Thomas later that day and I decided everything happens for a reason and went with him. Later we got a call the other family decided they no longer wanted the first cat and we picked him up aswell. He is roughly 12 years old and does this neat trick where he begs you for food. I'll get a picture of it later. Until then this should hold you over.

That cat is crazy about noodles, he loves pasta of any kind. Thats the face he makes when you have some and don't share it with him. Its not his happy face

This is Luna, she is only a few months old. Probally about 3 in these pictures.

It took us awhile to realize it but my mother has a donkey named Luna aswell. I wonder if we subconsciously named her after a donkey......

These were all taken in the sandy area at my wifes parents house. It seems to be the only place I tend to take ferret pictures for some reason. The outside light source is helpful for sure but I should probally branch out abit here. Some of them do look washed out to me, its odd but on my other laptop they looked perfectly fine. If somebody could comment on that after the post and let me know how they look on there end. It could help me with future updates.

Im pretty sure thats Ozzy or Ozzapotomous playing in the sand there. Ferrets love to dig and will make little holes and tunnels to hide themselfs in at times.

Adult Avery may look different but he is still pretty awsome

Theres Avery trying to dig, hes not very good at it yet but he tries. He can't figure out what to do with the dirt after he pulls it out.

Thats Luna attacking Avery, i can't believe how white his back fur has gotten recently. He looks like a whole different ferret then when he was younger.

That up there is Benny, he is the brother of Ozzy and was gotten the same time as he was. I think I have shown pictures of him before but its been awhile so im not to sure on that. This is his serious face. He is making it because he is about to poop, and for ferrets pooping is a serious thing.

Well maybe not always

This is luna trying to climb out of a hole Benny was digging. In his defense he was digging it long before she decided to be inside it. Shes kind of needy and doesn't understand everything isn't hers.

Though don't feel to bad for her because after struggling for so long to get out she dove right back in.

Some body is dirty

There is a example of a horrible picture that was overly edited. To bad to, I liked the pose they were doing. It was very neat
I have lots more pictures to go and look at but for now this should suffice. If you have any questions or thoughts please leave a comment and I will try to answer you soon
Oh and also here is the full resolution wallpaper shot of my first picture. Good if you have a widescreen set up. Its at 1600 x 900 and although it looks like its not all there it will be if you download it.

your ferret photos all look good on my desktop. i'll check them out on my laptop in a little while. not washed or, nor too bright, the color looks natural. i love the dirt clinging to their little noses :). your cats are interesting. i like nikolas's face - he's awesome looking! great shots - i'm glad to see you are back online :)