This was basically where I started my last project at, it took quite a few hours to complete but it was fun to be doing something like that again. My wifes birthday is coming up and I have been struggling to find her something other then what I have already and she expressed interest in something "Creative"

We went to a art show this weekend and it made both of us want to do something more artsy. I managed to find a extra canvas laying around and my wife bought some encaustic wax to play around with. I always loved The Nightmare Before Christmas and have painted it before so this was a easy choice to make

As I said this was for my wife, I actually got the original picture from a childrens story book. The 13 days of christmas, my wife saw it and said she loved the hearts in the skull made of smoke. So I figured I could take that picture from the book and make something nice out of it.

Its done in acrylic or however thats spelled and I used just the primary colors with black and white to tint. I did however add a special touch to it to make it better for my wife. She loves shiny things and I had some glitter pigmentless paint. It shows up in the last 2 pictures but it makes the border shine and sparkle and she loved it.

Her birthday is on the 10th, however painting something takes a lot of time and its hard to hide so she already knows about it and has seen it. She actually watched me paint a good deal of it over the day and was very supportive of the whole process.

Here it is finished, the wife is happy and we both had a fun vacation. This was just a nice fun way to cap it off before I have to go back to work tomorow. The white lines on it are chalk marks and will rub off once it has finished drying.

Thanks for looking, next update should be back to normal photos. This was a nice change of pace for me. When we get it hung up somewhere maybe I can get some better shots. The light was making the colors look odd and you can see the reflection in many shots. But I didn't want to move it until it was finished.
great job, jason! it looks just like sally - i know bobbie will love it! great birthday present :)