So tomorow is my birthday, and if you know me you know I enjoy my games. Halo is a huge fanchise that has been around for quite a few years now and I even remember the first time I played it back in 2003 with my friend Justin. His dad knew he wanted the new xbox and would torment him by leaving Huge X's all around for him to find. Come home and see a large X on his bed room door, at lunch a large X would be made out of cards on the table. It was all in good fun until his dad finally broke down and bought a xbox....for himself. This may sound mean but it was actually a smart move as it meant the system would stay in the family room and not the boys room so everybody could enjoy it by playing games or using it as there first dvd player. When he bought it though he bought this one game I couldn't for the life of me stand playing. Halo:Combat Evolved.

It was a sci-fi shooter about humanities last stand against the covenant, a unbeatable alien force. The game was well reviewed and considered one of the best shooters of its time. I just didn't enjoy it, the aiming was confusing and I was no good at it. I played it and beat it a few times with him while I was hanging out at his house but only because it was something to do and it was Justin's favorite game.
Eventually I started to get better and I do remember right before graduation getting a huge group of people together and hooking up 3 xboxs in 3 different rooms to have some pretty intense team matches.
Fast forward a few years and we get Halo 2, it looked and felt the same but it had something slightly different.

It was shinier, and had a pretty bland story. However for some reason I bought it even after hating the first one. Somehow though I started to get into it, and I became hooked on the franchise as a whole. Halo 3 improved and even added online into the equation for me.
Once a spartan, always a spartan. With each new game it quickly found its way onto my list of favorite franchises. I bought 3 copies of halo 3, one normal, one limited, and one legendary edition which came with a helmet.

What does this have to do with my birthday? Well its rather neat, the newest game comes out on my birthday September 14th. This is due mostly to the fact that the main marine in the series, John 117 or Master Chief, fought his first live combat mission on that date. However I have decided to also say that the game is my gift from Bungie for supporting them and there series thus far.

So I get the new Halo game, and my wife goes all out and decides to make my birthday even more Halo by picking me up every halo megablocks set she could find. I have yet to even build them all and there will surely be more pictures as small toys are quite fun to photograph and work as excellent learning aids.
So there is it, how a post about my birthday ended up being all about halo. Thats because this year all my gifts center around it. I have halo toys, halo video games, im picking up a halo dvd, and my mother has gotten me some killer new headphones for my game systems and pc that will work with the new halo game. So happy birthday to me, and if your wondering how I have these even though my birthday isn't until tomorow......well lets just say me and my wife have trouble keeping gifts. I already gave her her birthday presents and hers is still a month away.

pretty awesome pictures, j! i like the way they look and it was a great idea. make me wonder what you still have at our house that you could shoot pix of - lol! happy birthday a day early :) (i didn't realize they were blocks till you said so, then i had to go back and look again)
ReplyDeleteThey went with a off brand of legos, it allowed them to have better toys of there people instead of being limited to the lego minifig look. All there figures look alike and it doesn't really work well with this kind of thing.